vCard QR Code stores basic information such as your full name, contact info, job title, work or home address, and website URL
Generating vCard QR code with Shortcode: #
1.) vCard QR code Shortcode with attribute:
Go to the plugin settings page and then click on the Custom QR tab. You will find the QR for Maps, fill up the google map information as the content of the QR code, please see details below.
How to customize the Shortcode: [
Example: [
qrc_vcard name=”Sharabindu” company=”Plugin House” subtitle=”Creating innovative” mobile=”+15623526019″ phone=”+102194434″ email=”” website=”” address =”70A Boat Quay,Singapore” note =”This is a software Company” color=”#311cb5″ background=”#fff”]
- *name = “String” ,
- *company = “String” ,
- *subtitle = “String” ,
- *mobile = “numeric” ,
- *email = “String” ,
- *phone = “numeric” ,
- *website = “String” ,
- *address = “String” ,
- *note = “String” ,
- *size = “Numeric value” ,
- *logo= “image url” ,
- *color = “Color code” ,
- *background = “Color code”
2) Single vCard QR code (both free & Pro Versions)
Go to the plugin settings page and then click on the vCard QR code tab. You will find a single vCard, fill up the information as the content of the QR code, copy the shortcode, and use your site’s desired place .please see details below.
Generating vCard QR code with Elementor: #
Elementor users can Create vcArd QR codes easily with our built-in “QRC Composer” addon. choose the Contact info as the QRC composer element and input the field. below image for an example