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QR design

3 min read

The QR code design page has changed since version 5.01.  Now you can see a live preview for all the customization options. You can easily make changes and see how the change looks

Design QR Code: #


QR Code WordPress


Body Shape: #


QR body Shape

This feature creates the dot design of the QR code. Dot style is there, choose the style you like. Use gradient colors and for single colors use the same color code for both.

Choose Design: This option determines the QR body design. There will be about 6 options here. Select one. As you select one by one the QR design will change and you will see the live preview on the right side

First Color: This is the body color of the QR code. The first color means the QR code gradient is supported, if you want to use one color then select the same color for both.

Second Color:  The gradient Second color

Type: The gradient type is linear or radial

Rotation: The gradient Rotation, ranges from 0 to 360deg

Level: Specifies the QR level, L by default



Eye Frame Shape: #


QR Eye Frame Shape

Choose Design: This option determines the QR Eye Frame Shape. There will be about 4 options here. Select one. As you select one by one the QR design will change and you will see the live preview on the right side

First Color: This is the body color of the QR code. The first color means the QR code gradient is supported, if you want to use one color then select the same color for both.

Second Color:  The gradient Second color

Type: The gradient type is linear or radial

Rotation: The gradient Rotation, ranges from 0 to 360deg



Eye Ball Shape: #


QR Eye Ball Shape

Choose Design: This option determines the QR Eye Ball Shape. There will be about 3 options here. Select one. As you select one by one the QR design will change and you will see the live preview on the right side

First Color: This is the body color of the QR code. The first color means the QR code gradient is supported, if you want to use one color then select the same color for both.

Second Color:  The gradient Second color

Type: The gradient type is linear or radial

Rotation: The gradient Rotation, ranges from 0 to 360deg.


Size & Background: #


Size and bg

QR Code Frontend Size: Select the size of the QR code in the frontend

Download QR Code Size:  Select the size of the QR code download image quality

Background Color: QR code Background Color, by default QR code background, is  transparent

Margin: Space between background and QR code

Animation Preloader: QR Code Animation Preloader works as a preloader. When the page loads the preloader will be displayed until the QR code is fully loaded. The loader icons are built in pure CSS. No fonts are included to avoid page-loading issues


Logo & Download Button: #


QR Logo

Add Logo: #


Upload Logo:  click the upload image button and upload a logo image from the media library

Logo Size:: determine the Logo size, range: 0.1 to 1

Margin: Space between background and QR code


Download Button: #

Enable button for QR image download.

Download File: By default the QR code file name is used as the page url, page title or content title. If you want to set a custom name, then enter the custom file name here


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