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QR Code in PDF Invoice

1 min read

It is more professional if this PDF invoice is accompanied by the order QR Code. it will be more convenient to handle your order. For this, we have integrated our QR Code with PDF Invoice and Packing Slip for the WooCommerce plugin. Let’s see how it works and how to customize it.


Would you like to see a live preview? #


If you want to see a live preview, click the button below and follow the next steps

Click the Link First

Now click on the below icon according to the image

Order QR code in WooCOmmerce


you can also see the PDF  with the QR code on the order page

Order QR code in WooCOmmerce


PDF Demo:  #

Order QR code in WooCOmmerce



Settings Page: #


settings page order QR code


You can find the Settings Option for handling the barcode for PDF invoices. Go to the QR Code> Order email QR code.

Show order QR code on PDF invoice: Select this section to display the QR Code in PDF Invoice. You can also turn off this functionality


QR code not showing in PDF: #


Sometimes our customers tell us that the order QR code is not showing in the PDF, only text is showing. So we checked this issue and our team identified that it is a hosting issue. We recommend our users to use the updated version of PHP. If you are using cPanel hosting then select another PHP version from Native PHP.

Go to Cpanel and find Select PHP version

C-panel php selection


Now Choose Another PHP version (Recommended Upper Version) and save . and must avoid the native version

PHP selection on cPanel


Before & after #

QR code problem

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