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QR code for WordPress Users

1 min read

where can I find: #

Go to your WordPress site’s dashboard, find the Users menu, then edit a user, scroll down, and you’ll find the QR code as shown below. This feature is available in both free and Premium version


QR code for users on WordPress



What is the content of this QR code?: #

It works with the user’s first name, last name, display name, email, website URL, and user Biographical Info as content.

If you leave any field empty it will generate a QR code, and the rest of the fields will be filled with information.


user info




How to display in frontend: [qrc_user] #

Developers can edit author.php file for WordPress user information display. some popular themes have default hooks that you can use to view the information of the user profile, so in the case of showing the QR code frontend on the profile, that’s it.
Suppose you are using Astra theme, Astra theme has a hook for author page, then how to use shortcode with hooks. The following code can be used for the Astra theme

Author Page ( Astra Theme)

Author page

function qrcodeforauthor(){
echo do_shortcode('[qrc_user]'); }
Author page QR


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