You can create QR codes based on text or custom links. Generating multiple QR codes in these features using the shortcode attributes. If you are a user of the Elementor, you can do this too with a built-in addon
Generating Custom Link/Text QR code with Shortcode: #
Go to the plugin settings page and then click on the Custom QR tab. You will find the input field here, where the link, text, number, wifi information, WhatsApp number, and Google map information are as the content of the QR code, please see details below.
Input text, number, or link here to generate a QR code
Method of use Shortcode with attribute:
How to customize the Shortcode: [
Example: [
qr_link_composer link=”Hello Devs ” size=”200″ logo=”URL” color=”color code” background=”color code”]
- *link = Text, URL, Number,
- *size = Numeric value,
- *logo = logo URL, (if want to empty this field, make it empty by using ” “: logo =” “)
- *color = Color code,
- *background = Color code,
Generating Custom Link/Text QR code with Elementor: #
Elementor users can Create Custom Text, Like, and Number QR codes easily with our built-in “QRC Composer” addon. choose the Custom link/Text as the QRC composer element and input the field. below image for an example
Generating Custom Link/Text QR code with Widget: #
You can create and display custom link/ text QR codes using WordPress widgets. Go to Apperence> widget and search “QR code composer”, find the text or custom Link from the Select option, input the field, choose QR code, upload the image/logo, and save