Print Settings Page (Click for Print Demo) #
This page is for QR Bulk Print, Admin can Bulk QR Print and manage Print from this. please see below in details
1)QR Code Size: Write QR Code Size for Print, by default, it is 200
2) Post Type: Select the type of post you want to print, from the drop-down option. Post, Product, Page, Custom Post
3) Taxonomy: Select the Taxonomy type, select the Taxonomy type based on the type of post above. You can skip this settings option if you do not want to print as category-based. e:g- Post Category, Product Category, Custom Post Category
5) Category Type: (Category Name)Select the Category based on the type of Taxonomy above. You can skip this settings option if you do not want to print as category-based.
6) Print Per Page: Select the number of qty to want to print per page, for all write ” -1 ”
7) Order: Select the Order type, e.g: Titti;e, None, name, etc
8) Display Title? Do: Want to display the title for printing? If not, select “No” or otherwise select “Yes”
9) Display Product Price? : if the Post type is Product Want to display the Product Price for printing. If not, select “No” or otherwise select “Yes”
Click the Save button and go to the next tab for Print Page
Print Page #
- Print QR: This is the print button, when you click this button a popup will appear like the image below
- Print Pagination: Click The button for Next Page
Print #
3. Click The Save Button and Save it as a Pdf