Super Discount..!! 30% off WordPress QR Code Generator plugin  
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QR Bulk Download

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Download Settings Page (click for Download Demo) #


This page is for QR Bulk Download Page, Admin can Bulk Download QR and manage from this. please see below for details


QR code Download Settings

1)QR Code Size: Write QR Code Size for download

2) Post Type: Select the type of post you want to print, from the drop-down option. Post, Product, Page, Custom Post

6) QR Per Page: Select the number of qty to want to Display QR per page, for all write ” -1 ”

7) Order By Select the Order type, e.g: Titti;e, None, name, etc

7) Order: Select the Order, e.g: Ascending, descending


Click the Save button and go to the next tab for Download Page


Download Page  #



QR code bulk Download

  1.  Pagination: Click The button for Next Page



Super Discount..!! 30% off WordPress QR Code Generator plugin  
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