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Auto Generate QR code

1 min read

These QR codes are automatically displayed after the content of the web page. current page url will be used as content of QR code.



When the plugin is activated, the QR code will be generated and displayed automatically, and the content of the QR code will be the URL of the page.


What will it look like and where can it be seen? #


This QR code is displayed after the post, page, or custom post content, and for Woocommerce it will display the single product page in a separate tab.

Auto generate QR code



Where is the settings option?: #

Please go to the WordPress admin menu and find the QR Code Composer Pro/QR Code Composer menu, click the menu, and see the Auto Generate QR tab.

Auto generate QR code


Alignment: Choose the alignment of the QR code, by default it will be on the left

Choose the alignment of the QR code on the product page, by default it will be on the left

The QR code is located in the tab called QR Code on the product page. Rename tab name

How to turn off the automatic QR code option: #

If you want to turn off this option or turn it off for a specific page, post, or post type. You can do it easily. The first method is to

Hide QR code according to post type: Disable the QR code for specific post types that you wish to prevent the QR code on.

Hide QR code according to Page: Disable the QR code for specific pages that you wish to prevent the QR code on. Also can remove QR codes from pages, posts, products, and custom posts using the meta field

Shortcode for Current Page URL: This is the shortcode for generating the QR code of the current page, the current page URL will be used as the content of the QR code.


MetaBox Support for QR Code Composer: #


What is a meta box?

When a user edits a post/ page/product/custom post the edit screen is composed of several default boxes: Editor, Publish, Categories, Tags, etc. These boxes are meta boxes.

This plugin has added a meta box. Go to the edit screen of any post. You will see the box below


QR code for meta box -wordpress

How does this meta box help you? #

You can download the QR code from the backend and hide the QR code from the front end by clicking the select option. This box supports all post types

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